Hydropower Data Insights Report subscription

Monitor the trajectory of the hydropower generation sector in Africa by buying a 12 month subscription to African Energy’s Hydropower Data Insights Report.

The excel format of the report provides incisive read-outs to support strategic decision-making, plus enables users to set their own parameters and to develop and test conclusions within their own analytical frameworks.

What you get

Hydropower Data Insights subscripton

Reasons to buy:

  • Use our report to gain an understanding of how trends in hydropower installation may impact on your operations and investments.
  • Gain insights into hydropower’s growing stake in Africa’s energy transition.
  • Access and analyse our data through an interactive Excel-based dashboard.
  • Inform your strategic decision-making on independent power generation forecasts based on the actual project development pipeline rather than estimates.
  • Compare historic trends, current position and planned developments of hydropower generation by country, or region or see how the sector has developed across Africa.
  • Understand from historical and project pipeline data how trends in hydropower installation will develop in separate markets.
  • See a clear picture of how hydropower is now and will be positioned in the future in the wider energy mix.