Issue 464 PDF: Momentum builds as Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline responds to Ukraine war

African Energy Issue 464 cover
Issue 464 - 08 Jul 2022

The issue leads with an examination of the momentum building behind the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline, which could now undergo a radical change to supply the European network.

The issue also includes features on Egypt's nuclear future, as Russia's Rosatom starts construction on the Dabaa nuclear plant, and a look at the politics of Libya's energy sector that has left an exhausted, impoverished and furious population confronting a crisis of existential proportions.

Power sector coverage leads with Nigeria where regulator Nerc begun ‘a phased activation’ of power purchase agreements on 1 July, in another attempt to meet its 5,000MW electricity target.

Upstream oil and gas coverage leads with Tanzania, while the issue also takes a closer look at Mozambique's gas industry boom, where locals are demanding a fairer share of the benefits and the authorities are struggling to define what they mean by ‘local content’.

The African Energy View examines the Sahel region's security risks and deeper challenges.

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