Endeavor lines up schemes to fill West African demand gaps

In depth
Issue 324 - 27 May 2016 | 5 minute read

Backed by the US Power Africa initiative, Endeavor Energy has four projects close to sanction in West Africa aiming to fill short to medium-term demand gaps with a mix of imported and domestic gas and heavy fuel oil. Two of the projects are in Ghana, where there is urgent need for new capacity. The 344MW Bridge Power fast deployment scheme at Tema aims to tackle the problem of limited gas supply in Ghana’s eastern hub by using imported liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Chief executive Sean Long told African Energy in an interview that LPG was cheaper than crude oil or diesel in the short term and the plant was designed to switch to natural gas once it became available, whether via the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) or Ghanaian domestic gas.

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