By 2027, almost 30% of Africa’s electricity will be generated using natural gas

13 Dec 2022 - by Ajay Ubhi

Our analysis of projects listed on the African Energy Live Data platform shows that by 2027, almost 30% of Africa’s electricity will be generated using natural gas, a figure that rises to 45% if dual-fuel plants are included.

Selected trends

  • As of end-2021, total natural gas installed capacity stood at 121GW.
  • Analysis of African Energy Live Data shows 18.3GW generated from natural gas to come online by 2027.
  • By 2027, almost 30% of Africa’s electricity will be generated using natural gas, a figure that rises to 45% if dual-fuel plants are included.
  • The project pipeline to 2027 also shows that the share of the continental energy mix taken up by gas is declining in favour of a bigger role for renewables.

Read our full analysis here

Take a closer look at African Energy's coverage of the role gas has to play over the coming years:
African energy in transition – what is the future for gas?

We use African Energy Live Data to provide clients with analysis of the current status and trajectory of Africa’s power generation sector.  We can tailor our data and analysis offering for a wide range of uses including support for sales and investment opportunities, energy modelling, mapping, sector and competitor analysis or case studies.

Drop me an email to discuss out how we can help your business.

Ajay Ubhi

Head of data

Ajay’s role is to conduct and oversee research and analysis for African Energy’s consultancy work, with a focus on power sector forecasting and data analytics. Read more

Ajay Ubhi